Where to get GOOD new ideas for your Pilates classes

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Pilates is a great way to improve your flexibility, strength, and posture. If you’re a Pilates instructor or enthusiast, you know how important it is to keep your classes fresh and exciting. In this article, we’ll share some of our favorite ways to get new ideas for your Pilates classes. Pilates teacher training Sydney have new ideas to teach on how to improve flexibility.

Attend Workshops and Conferences

One of the best ways to get new ideas for your Pilates classes is to attend workshops and conferences. These events are often led by experienced Pilates instructors who can share their knowledge and expertise with you. You’ll learn new exercises, teaching techniques, and ways to keep your classes engaging.

Connect with Other Pilates Instructors

Networking with other Pilates instructors is another great way to get new ideas for your classes. Join a local Pilates instructor group or attend a Pilates meetup. This will give you the opportunity to connect with other instructors, share ideas, and learn from each other.

Read Pilates Books and Magazines

Reading Pilates books and magazines is another great way to get new ideas for your classes. There are many books and magazines available that cover a wide range of Pilates topics, from basic exercises to advanced techniques. Some of our favorite Pilates books include “Pilates Anatomy” by Rael Isacowitz and Karen Clippinger, and “The Pilates Body” by Brooke Siler.

Take Online Courses

Taking online courses is another great way to get new ideas for your Pilates classes. There are many online courses available that cover a wide range of Pilates topics, from beginner to advanced. Some popular online Pilates courses include “Pilates Anytime,” “Pilatesology,” and “The Balanced Life.”

Try New Equipment and Accessories

Trying out new equipment and accessories is another great way to keep your Pilates classes fresh and exciting. There are many different types of equipment and accessories available, from reformers and chairs to balls and bands. Experimenting with new equipment and accessories can help you create new exercises and variations on existing ones.


In conclusion, there are many ways to get new ideas for your Pilates classes. Attending workshops and conferences, connecting with other Pilates instructors, reading Pilates books and magazines, taking online courses, and trying out new equipment and accessories are all great ways to keep your classes fresh and exciting. By incorporating these ideas into your teaching, you can help your students achieve their fitness goals and keep them coming back for more. Find out on how to apply new Pilates ideas.